#303 - Jorit Schmelzle - CPO, Peregrine AI

#303 - Jorit Schmelzle - CPO, Peregrine AI

“There are a lot of use cases where 99% accuracy would be good enough with the state of technology and the state of the art at the current moment. In not acting on it, we are missing this opportunity of saving lives and creating an impact with respect to safety and sustainability.”

In the world of autonomous driving, high-compute GPUs are all the rage. So I was incredibly delighted to learn of a company that is taking a very counter-intuitive approach to the perception stack. These guys have identified a number of use cases that do not require the 100% accuracy that autonomous driving demands, and are focused on making their vision perception stack work on smartphones you can buy for a hundred dollars.

In this episode of the AI in Automotive Podcast, I am pleased to host Jorit Schmelzle, co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Peregrine Technologies. This is such a wide-ranging conversation, covering topics from sensor fusion, to understanding the automotive perception stack, and how ordinary smartphones can deliver interesting use-cases for the vision and perception stack.

While the world of autonomy started with the desire to make a fully-autonomous vehicle that would then power a fleet of robotaxis, the way the space has evolved has created some very compelling use cases, even if full autonomy is still a few years away. Peregrine Technologies is at the forefront of delivering real value today, while also inventing the technology of tomorrow.

I am sure you will enjoy my chat with Jorit, so can I ask you to please share the AI in Automotive Podcast with your friends and colleagues who carry an interest in AI, or the automotive industry.

#304 - Bibhrajit Halder - Founder & CEO, SafeAI

#304 - Bibhrajit Halder - Founder & CEO, SafeAI

#302 - Paul Drysch - CEO, PreAct Technologies

#302 - Paul Drysch - CEO, PreAct Technologies